$69.00 USD

4 monthly payments

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Demystifying Your Natal Chart - THE PLUS PACKAGE (Installments)

  • Everything included in the PRIMARY Package, plus...

    • Receive a 108-page eBook (PDF) containing all course slides for easy reference and enhanced learning. 
    • Understand Planetary Cycles: Gain in-depth knowledge of the most impactful planetary cycles in our solar system and learn to recognize how these cycles align with significant phases in your own life.
This payment plan is split into four equal monthly payments of 69$ for a total of $276. This must be paid in FULL over the course of four months, otherwise access will be revoked.

[ DEMYSTIFYING YOUR NATAL CHART is a self-guided go-at-your-own-pace course and does not include 1-on-1 teacher time ]


When you purchase this masterclass you agree not to sell, redistribute or share any of the course contents or resources for any reason.

Copyright @ Aly Dunne 2024